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Hillary secretely wanted Obamacare to fail. Is that why bill said it was the craziest thing in the world?

Wikileaks has revealed Hillary was on board with passing a bill that would cause obamacare to unravel, as long as it was a republican bill.

Posted - October 24, 2016


  • 3934
    The political calculus is perfectly simple:

    1) Pass Obamacare, the best health reform bill that could be acheived given the political circumstances at the time.

    2) Allow Americans to enjoy the benefits of Obamacare

    3) Allow the GOP to dismantle Obamacare

    4) Have Americans experience the pain of losing the benefits of Obamacare

    5) Gather political support for a more rational reform of America's health care system.

    And, yes, Obamacare is among "the craziest things things in the world" because a fundamental feature of it was "We cannot piss of or endanger the profits of health insurance companies."
      October 24, 2016 1:10 PM MDT

  • 2758
    I've no idea what slithers through the dark recesses of what passes for Mr. Knob Job's brain, but I do know that the central objective of dem-flavored statists has always been a single payer system--a system where the government has complete control over whether we live or die.

    Somewhat ironically, I'm for a single payer system, too...where the PATIENT is the single payer.
      October 24, 2016 1:19 PM MDT

  • 46117
    No.  Hillary did NOT.   Wiki Leaks is like Cliff Notes for Morons.  Wiki Leaks can say all they want to about Hlllary's machinations but what I think?  I think someone is screwing with the contents OF WikiLeaks. 

    Give me any good reason why Hillary wants Obamacare to fail?  You think like a  Tea Bagger, that is why you think this makes sense.  This is how THEY think.  This is what they think.  Any bill that has any merit is the enemy if it did not come from the Republican corner of the ring.   They were so JEALOUS of the power Obama wielded by trying to pass a bill that would show them all up, they had to dismantle and destroy an opportunity to get many MANY Americans back on their feet.  We cannot have that happen at the expense of BIG INSURANCE, those guys who vote to keep Republicans in power, now can we? 

    Hillary is a small pawn in a large pool of Republican swill.   Anything she tries to do will be met with the same nonsense they always pull, front and center, in front of the entire globe and there mere numbers and money keep them ensconced in the exact spot they fight for with each person in opposition that  they lie about.

      October 24, 2016 1:20 PM MDT

  • 2758
    "You think like a Tea Bagger,..."

    LOL!  Google the phrase "ad hominem," Sharonna.

      October 24, 2016 1:25 PM MDT

  • 3191
    Sharonna, why do you continue to use a sexual term to refer to the Tea Party?  I get that you dislike them...but using that term reflects badly on you, not them.
      October 24, 2016 1:32 PM MDT

  • 2758
    Statists generally cannot defend their depraved ideations. They're left with no other alternative THAN bad language.

    Note as well that, if you or I had used such vituperation to describe the opposition, we would have had our posts yanked.
      October 24, 2016 1:44 PM MDT

  • 691
    Wikileaks has a decade-long record of releasing unaltered information that has been used many times in court.
    Wikileaks has released things to embarass republicans.
    Wikileaks has not said anything aside from a few comments on twitter and they simply release documents and the documents show what hillary said to someone on her campaign.  No one questioned the validity of the contents until the truth started to hurt hillary over and over and over.

    Mr OS has explained why hillary may want it to fail but I think it is simpler and I beleive she wants it to fail because it is "obamacare" and not "hillarycare" and hillary cannot stand that Obama became president instead of her and that Obama passed a health plan instead of her.
      October 24, 2016 2:55 PM MDT

  • 2515
    I wrote a long answer for this and it was erased, somehow. So I am going to blog it. 
      October 24, 2016 5:39 PM MDT